Niche is not dead


Many people believe the era of niche blogging and businesses is phasing out and that bloggers and marketers should put all their emphasis on every new opportunity. My message to them is quite simple; “If you do not stand for something, you’re going to fall for everything!” Many years down the road, you’re going to curse web claiming a that there was a hypothetical “burst” in the blog industry which led to the collapse of many internet businesses . And yet, the truth is, your followed every new business idea “experts” recommended and ended up being good at all of them and not best at one of them. Before that happens, before you invest all your money in courses you aren’t sure you will use for the long haul, please sit back and listen(read) what I have to say niche businesses aren’t dying out, they are growing, here is why

Why do you do this?/What business are you in?

Many times we start businesses because we have been told of the opportunity in the industry and never own up the idea. We may even make the necessary research to launch the business and even make money out of it, but beyond that, we cannot innovate, we cannot change anything. When you find yourself in such a predicament, your bound to fail when competition heats up (and it will , people like profitable ventures!)

There is nothing criminal to discover a new source of income, and adapting it. It criminal not to try to answer the question, “What business am I in?”, because if for a minute you answered that question, everything changes. New perspectives like understanding the customer you will deal with in case you pursued that idea, solving their problems or satisfying their needs will trigger every sleeping cell in you to action.

So the best thing to do, embrace the niche understand every aspect there is about it. Become an authority so that even when times are changing, your innovating, your embracing the change by smelling the winds before anyone hears them. Know your business!

Invest in knowledge

When you choose your niche, it important to try to learn what the rest of competitors are doing. Know how they are producing content. Do not allow surprises. You can lose a battle, but if surprise was the reason you lost, it is so devastating. Draw up a strategy on how to incorporate and improve the latest trends in your industry. If knowledge is your problem, invest in it. Sometimes, as business owners, we  spend huge chunks of our money on advertising and never get returns and yet our business offering are superb. The reason is we never give our selves time to accumulate knowledge on the businesses we are investing in and what they require of us.

Be informed, it cuts down many costs, improves your offering from time to time. Customers  buy value, money only influences them when the value your offering is not a scarcity and anyone else can offer it. Do the smart thing be knowledgeable about your niche, maybe your start should be learning.


I was watching an interview of a young Australian Internet marketer who has built online businesses that rack in $10M a year. He was asked what his secret was , he answered, “I learned how to sell!” Your niche will never bring you money unless you learn how to sell it. After you have a good idea of what business does and have learned its clientèle, go out, sell something.

Knowing your product often eases your selling pitch. It also a good idea to get your closest friends interested in it. Spread the world and know that every billion dollar company started by selling a single product. If they never sold it, chances are high we would know of them. Sell!

No business is bound for failure unless its owner has no business acumen. May be your niche needs a different approach for it to succeed, the only way it is going to do that is if your understand it. Niche is not ill, it isn’t dying out, the only problem is, innovators are decreasing. So join this scarcity and profit.


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